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Indonesia Arabica - Blue Bianca
Indonesia Arabica - Blue Bianca
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Indonesia Arabica - Blue Bianca

Bean Details


  • Origin           INDONESIA
  • Region         Dolok Sangul, Sumatra
  • Producer     Very select group of local farmers
  • Processing  Wet Pulped


 Blue Bianca is produced in the highland plateau of Onang Ganjang by small holding farmers. Fresh cherry is picked, pulped and fermented for 12 hours without water. Then the cherry is hulled and parchment washed and left to dry for two days.  The parchment is then removed using the Giling Basa process of wet hulling, a process unique to Sumatra.  Green beans are allowed to dry for a further 5 days after which they are hand sorted and left for a period of 30 days to rest before ready for shipping. Blue Bianca is prepared by a young local processor in Dolok Sangul.

This is  a truly unique coffee that stands out on the cupping table. Distinctive, bursting with character and setting a standard for top end Indonesian coffee.

Preferable for specialty single origins or used carefully in a blend. A coffee that needs an experienced roaster to draw out the complex makeup of this extraordinary bean.



      An outstanding specialty coffee. Every stage of this coffee is carefully managed and undergoes strict quality checks at every stage. If it doesn't meet any of the standards, it's not called Blue Bianca. 

      Sweet berry, citrus, bittersweet, ruby grapefruit, biscuity

      Regular price $29.95