How do I make good coffee when I travel?

How do I make good coffee when I travel?

When holidays come around our coffee-loving community drop-in to stock-up on their favourite Q Roasters beans and we often get asked - "How do I make good coffee when I travel?"

Our most recommended travel companion is the Aerobie AeroPress. This fantastic product delivers barista style coffee on-the-go, is easy to clean, compact and is BPA and phthalate free.The kit includes the chamber, plunger, filter cap, paddle and scoop, as well as 350 micro filters.

To make a smooth, rich coffee simply place a filter in the filter cap and rinse with just boiled water, then add 17g of ground coffee. Fill the chamber to the desired level, stir and plunge. Add water and enjoy! 

All of our Q Roaster coffee beans can be ground to suit any brewing equipment so when you order online use the drop down menu to select what you need. Alternatively, drop into our roasting house at 44 Wolverhampton St, Stafford, have a coffee with us and ask for a demonstration.

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