Do you love strong coffee? Why we've chosen to roast a robusta coffee.
The competition between robusta and arabica coffee is a bit like the rivalry between Ford and Ferrari. On account of it's stronger and unpolished taste, robusta coffee has long been viewed as the poor cousin to the more sophisticated flavours of arabica. But these pre-conceptions are changing and robusta is stepping into the limelight.At Q Roasters, our master roaster; Lachie has been quietly working on JIWAKA a new blend that showcases just how wonderful robusta coffee can be. "The name JIWAKA comes from the region in Papua New Guinea where my wife; Lee Mary grew up. It is a traditional fighting ground and for...

What's special about specialty coffee
In the world of coffee the word 'specialty' is not a term that is used lightly. If used correctly it applies to any green bean that has been assessed by a Q Grader and given a Q score greater than 80. The Q score system was introduced by the Coffee Quality Institute as a way of getting skilled individuals who were capable of grading and assessing specifically Arabica green bean and improve the product they had available. Similarly, the Q score is a way of giving farmers feedback on where their product sits in the market. The majority of coffee beans never reach the cut-off point...

Supporting Local Businesses
When COVID_19 restrictions escalated from social distancing measures to stay-at-home isolation, many local Brisbane businesses were forced to close their doors - particularly those in our hospitality industry. At Q Roasters we were able to adapt to the situation and quickly set up an outdoor takeaway service and thanks to incredible community support we have been able to keep trading throughout this period. But we could see that our customers wanted to shop for groceries safely and there were lots of food suppliers who were doing it tough. With people staying home, online sales for our roasted coffee beans increased and we decided...

How To Prepare Chai Tea
Often costumers wander into our Stafford roasting house (on the north side of Brisbane) unsure of what they want. What drives them there? Perhaps a mid-morning hunger pang, a social catch-up with a friend or maybe just the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans got their attention. "What would you like?", we ask. To which they reply, "I don't know. I don't drink coffee!". The Q Roasters team love these customers and we are only too happy to make suggestions. One of our favourites is chai tea. Chai is said to have originated in India and dates back 5000 to...